CCI Assurances has been implementing its direct debits with the Cegid Direct-debits software for six years

The Toulouse-based brokerage firm CCI Assurances manages its customers’ direct debits with Cegid Direct-debits, software from editor Exalog.
Interview with Patrick Pascalin, the firm’s manager.

CCI Assurances

Could you tell us about your company?

CCI Assurances is a brokerage firm that employs three people. We are based in Toulouse (France) and work with 2,000 customers. Our turnover is €440,000.

I am both broker and manager. I use the Cegid Direct-debits software to implement direct debits for our customers’ accounts.

Why did you start to use the Cegid Direct-debits software?

When I took over the firm, customers paid by monthly transfer. I stuck with this set-up for a while, before making the move to automatic direct debits for reasons of simplicity. My banker directed me to Exalog and I have now been using Cegid Direct-debits for six years.

The system was completely new to me, so I needed a little time to adapt. Luckily, Exalog’s telephone support helped me to get everything up and running.

Now my contract templates are all initiated into the software, and I make the necessary adjustments before launching the direct debits. These include any decrease or increase in direct debit amounts and insurance policy termination.

What conclusions can you draw from your experience of using Cegid Direct-debits?

I am very happy with the software. Cegid Direct-debits’ strong point is its simplicity. Once you understand how it works, it is very easy to use. Its structure makes it simple and accessible.

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